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Tag Archives: bullfights

Air Europa planes carry bulls for bullfights

Recently, five bulls arrived dead at Lima airport. The animals flew on an Air Europa flight lasting at least 12 hours. One of the aspects of the bullfighting sector that is usually hidden from the outside world is the long-distance transports. In fact, bulls for bullfights are regularly flown from Spain to Latin America and…

Protests in Madrid and Seville against the bloody bullfights

In Seville and Madrid, bloody bullfights have resumed, due to the start of the bullfighting season. CAS International and AnimaNaturalis protested against bullfighting in both cities. Sevilla On April 24, we protested in the southern Spanish city of Seville. That is when the famous and exuberant April Fair took place. Unfortunately, bullfights are held during…

Eight out of ten Spaniards against animal suffering in bullfights and hunting

A survey by the Spanish foundation Fundación BBVA has shown that 54 percent of Spaniards believe that animals and humans have the same right to live. In addition, eighty percent are against the use of animals for bullfighting, hunting and circuses with animals. Spaniards actually have a big heart for animals. CAS International knew that…

France: Mercedes Benz stops all financial support for bullfighting

Good news from France. The French branch of Mercedes Benz has decided to distance itself from the bloody bullfights. This is a very important step in our fight against bullfighting, because this cruel sector is more and more dependent on subsidies and sponsoring from companies in order to survive. Due to the declining interest from…

Animals are sentient beings in Spain

As of Wednesday, January 5, animals are considered sentient beings by Spanish law. The new law applies to all animals. What does this mean in practice for bulls intended for bullfighting and hunting dogs such as galgos and podencos? In December 2021, the Spanish Congress of Deputies approved the law that considers animals as sentient…