Different types of bullfights
1. Bullfighting (corridas de toros): This is the classic ‘Spanish style’ bullfight. The bulls that are used are 4-6 years old. Each bullfight session six bulls are slain in the arena. Only professional bullfighters may ‘fight’ the bull.
2. Bullfighting Portuguese style (touradas or corridas the touros): the bulls used are 4-6 years old. Each bullfight session six bulls are slain in the arena. The difference with bullfights in the ‘Spanish style’ is that the main matador fights the bull on horseback, and the fact that the bulls are not slain in the sight of the spectators, but in the slaughterhouse of the arena.
3. Novilladas: bullfights with bulls of 2-3 years old which are slain in the arena.
4. Becerradas: bullfights with bulls and/or cows aged 2 years. The bulls are slain in the arena.
5 . Rejoneos/corridas the rejones: bullfights in which the person fights the bull on horseback. The horse gets injured regularly during this type of bullfighting. The bull is slain in the arena.
6. Capeas: The term capeas includes all ‘amateur’ bullfights, where bulls or cows are provoked with capotes (‘pink’ capes). During these bullfights the animals are not maltreated and/or slain.
7. Bombero toreros/toreros cómicos: bullfights with short people and/or clowns. During this type of bullfighting the animals are not maltreated and/or slain.
8. Recortadores: a person tries to jump over the bull’s back or evade it without the use of capes. The bulls are not wounded or slain.
9. Courses Landaises: this form of bullfighting takes place only in France. During this kind of ‘bullfights’ cows are used instead of bulls. A person must jump over the cow’s back. The cows are not slain.
10. Courses Camarguaises: this type of bullfighting takes place only in France. The idea is to cut pieces of textile/fabric from the horns of the bulls with metal hooks. The bulls are not slain.
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