Utrecht, October 25th 2018
The website www.cas-international.org (and www.stieren.net) is developed with the greatest care, but CAS International (Comité Anti Stierenvechten) cannot make a claim for the correctness and completeness of this website. Neither is CAS International responsible for any direct or indirect damage which could occur while using or spreading the information on this website.
No rights or claims can be made on the content of this website.
CAS International takes no responsibility for information on the websites of third parties, not even if these websites contain a link to the CAS International website, or a link from our website to the website of this third party.
All images on the CAS International website are protected by copyright. We mention this copyright with the photos, unless it is unknown where the photos are from. The following rules apply:
Individuals and animal protection organizations (non-profit) are allowed to use these photos for animal protection purposes. You are only allowed to use these images for peaceful purposes, and not to inflict damage on others. They cannot be used for violent actions carried out by persons and/or organizations. In any case, you have to mention the source of the photos, as mentioned with the photos.
Individuals and companies who would like to use CAS’s photos for commercial purposes, have to contact us first. Certain conditions are set for the use of these photos. If you would like to use Sabine Joosten’s photos, contact us first and we will direct you to this photographer. For these photos, a fee has to be paid.
When you use/copy the texts on the CAS International websites, our name – CAS International (Comité Anti Stierenvechten) – should always be mentioned as the source. You are allowed to put a link to our website with your own texts about bullfighting, providing these texts are not hurtful to people and groups.
CAS International is not obliged to put information from third parties on its website.
For more information:
CAS International (Comité Anti Stierenvechten)
P.O. Box 1312
3500 BH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 30-2300093
Email: info@cas-international.org