Adopt Polvorin
Polvorín is a bull with a tempestuous past. In November 2015 Polvorín was severely maltreated in Medinaceli (Soria, Spain). Following the customs of an old tradition, Polvorin was tied up to a pole. After this, two balls drenched in terpentine and sulfur were bound to his horns. Then those balls were put on fire.
A severe torture starts here. The animal, with burning horns, has no possibility to put out the fire. Surrounded by a screaming, laughing, compassionless crowd, Polvorin experiences the worst fear. He is in total panic. The burning material drops down on his head and body. He gets blinded in one eye. This night will mark Polvorín forever.
Vuurstier © PACMA
Polvorín stands up, falls, fights, doesn’t give up. In most cases, fire bulls are brought to the slaughterhouse after this type of event. But Polvorín got a new chance. Animal activists were able to prevent his death in the slaugherthouse. He was brought to Refugio La Candela in Spain where people are working hard to heal the scars on his soul. He is taken in loving care, and now he can enjoy a good, beautiful and quiet life outside. Far away from the screaming, vulgar public abusement, of a galling tradition that is fading away in the shouts by the Spanish society for change.
Beelden vuurstier en redding Polvorín © Refugio La Candela
By adopting Polvorín you can contribute to a better life for him. At the same time you support our work to end bullfighting. Read how the adoption process works.
Do you have questions about Polvorín? Please contact us.
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