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Fire bull Valencia remains banned for third year in a row

Fire bull Valencia remains banned for third year in a row 1 August 2018 The city council of the Spanish city of Valencia recently decided to maintain the ban on two cruel feasts with bulls. This happened as a result of attempts by the conservative political party Partido Popular (PP) to lift the ban by […]

End of bull of fire in Algemesi, Spain

End of bull of fire in Algemesi, Spain 11 April 2017 Bull of fire © PACMA The Spanish municipality of Algemesi will no longer organize the cruel event bull of fire. During this event the horns of the bull are covered with an inflammable substance and put on fire. Then, the bull is unleashed with […]

Bull with burning horns collapses during Spanish medieval festival

At the controversial fire bull festival ‘Toro Jubilo’ in Medinaceli, Spain, a bull with burning horns collapsed as the animal could not properly support the wooden construction on its horns. CAS International and AnimaNaturalis filmed the event. The Medinaceli fire bull is one of bull festivals that evoke the most outrage nationally and internationally. On…

CAS presents results of investigation of cruel bull fiestas

During three years, CAS International and AnimaNaturalis conducted the largest research ever on cruel bull fiestas in Spain. At least 42 million of public money is spent annually by 1820 municipalities to hold bull festivals. In total, nearly 18,000 popular festivals involving bulls, cows and calves take place every year. 22% Spanish municipalities The research…

Summer full of animal suffering during Spanish fiestas

During the summer months, most bull fiestas take place in Spain. For the used bulls, cows and calves, this means an exhausting summer full of stress and suffering. For example, a bull drowned in the sea during a bull festival in Dénia. In Morella, a bull collided with a wooden installation and then became unconscious….

CAS in documentary on bullfighting by Insider

US news platform Insider News has released a documentary on bullfighting featuring CAS International. In the documentary, our director Maite van Gerwen talks about our rescued fire bull Polvorín. Insider News interviewed CAS last December about bullfighting and our adoption bulls and cows. During the interview, we informed Insider about, among other things, what bullfighting…

Adopt Polvorin

Polvorín is a bull with a tempestuous past. In November 2015 Polvorín was severely maltreated in Medinaceli (Soria, Spain). Following the customs of an old tradition, Polvorin was tied up to a pole. After this, two balls drenched in terpentine and sulfur were bound to his horns. Then those balls were put on fire. A severe torture…

Protest in city of Valencia against bullfighting

On March 10, CAS International and AnimaNaturalis protested against the bullfights in the Spanish city of Valencia. These are held during Fallas, a traditional feast held annually in Valencia. The protest took place in front of the Valencia City Hall. Activists held large boards depicting the heads of bulls and horses, symbolizing the victims of…

Spanish animal welfare law enters into force

On Friday 29 September, Spain’s first national animal protection law will enter into force. On 16 March last, the law was passed by the Spanish Congress. The law is an important step for Spain. Many animals will benefit from the law, but bulls from bullfighting and hunting dogs are exempt from protection under the law….

Protest in Valencia against bullfighting

On March 12, CAS International and AnimaNaturalis protested against bullfights in the Spanish city of Valencia. These were held during Fallas, a traditional festival that takes place annually in Valencia. Protest in Valencia against bullfighting | @ CAS International/AnimaNaturalis The protest was held in front of the city hall of Valencia. Activists were lying on the…