Petition against subsidies for bullfighting in the Azores
The bullfighting industry in the Azores is financed with public money. This must stop! Our colleagues in Portugal have started a petition to ask the local and national authorities to stop these subsidies. Read the text of the petition below:
The bullfighting industry should not benefit from support for culture and art.
The fact that both the Government of the Republic and the Regional Government of the Azores support bullfighting as a cultural and artistic activity leads the petitioners (whether or not they are linked to this activity) to reject this support and to request a change in the law in this area.
We do not find it fair that an activity that mistreats animals is considered culture (something that should make a positive contribution and identify a society) and should be supported by the government, while what is happening all over the world is the eradication of bullfighting and other activities related to animal suffering.