Minors no longer allowed in bullfights in Ecuador
Ecuador has banned children of all ages from assisting in bullfights. Until now the entrance of children up to 16 years old to this type of bloody spectacles was forbidden. The age limit to bullfights has now been raised from 16 to 18 years old. With this decision Ecuador follows the request from the United Nations to keep children away from the violence of bullfights.
United Nations
The Committee on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations requested Ecuador in October 2017 to keep children and young people aged under 18 away from the violence of bullfights. Bullfighting is in violation of the Convention of Children ’s Rights. Colombia, Ecuador, France, Mexico, Portugal, Peru and Spain already received a similar request from the Committee on the Rights of the Child.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child brings together the right of all children to a level of life that is suitable for physical, mental, moral and social development. It calls on the duty of the state to take the necessary measures to protect minors, something which is not realized by bullfighting. Thanks to several studies we know that the violence in bullfights has psychological effects on children, such as trauma and the weakening of moral judgment and empathy.
An example
Ecuador is becoming an example to all bullfighting countries. With this decision Ecuador shows it takes the request from the Committee of Children’s Rights seriously and it wants to protect minors against the violence of bullfights. We hope the other bullfighting countries will follow this example soon. CAS International continues, with the sister organizations, with its battle to prohibit bullfighting in the bullfighting countries.
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