Launch platform against feasts with bulls in Catalonia
© AnimaNaturalis
On Wednesday, January 15, the platform ‘Prou Correbous’ was launched in the Catalan capital of Barcelona, which aims to end all cruel feasts with bulls in Catalonia, Spain. CAS International supports this platform and was present at the launch in Barcelona.
Various animal welfare organizations have joined forces to end the correbous (street feasts with bulls) in Catalonia. This initiative originated after a bull injured 19 people in Vidreres in September 2019 after it jumped over a fence during a bull feast. The animal was eventually shot by the police. Since then, a fierce discussion has raged in Catalonia about the continued existence of these cruel bull feasts.
According to a recent poll from “Institut Opinòmetro”, the majority of Catalans over the age of 18 are against this type of cruel feasts. Of 5 people each 4 believe that the correbous is animal abuse. Furthermore, 85.5% think it is not justified that subsidies are spent on cruel feasts with bulls. These information, in combination with the current public debate, show that the circumstances for a ban are currently favorable. There is a political initiative that will soon be debated which aims to end the correbous.
Marius Kolff, director of CAS International, was present at the launch of the platform:
“We have to do something, now, to end the terrible feasts at which animals are being tormented. Now that bullfighting is in decline, the breeders seem to be looking for new buyers in the municipalities where bull feasts are held, such as the fire bulls. Unfortunately, as a result, they are taking place more often. We had to do something about it. That has now started. For the whole of Spain.”
© CAS International/AnimaNaturalis
There are also cruel bull feasts outside of Catalonia. Throughout Spain there are more than 18,000 cruel bull festivities per year. CAS International and AnimaNaturalis are currently conducting the largest investigation ever on the abuses that take place in various bull festivals in Spain, under the ‘Blood Fiestas’ campaign. Both organizations want to bring this animal suffering to light, not only in Spain but also in other countries. The majority of Spaniards oppose this type of events with bulls that are considered controversial.
This type of bull festival receives municipal, regional and national subsidies. The breeding of the bulls is partly financed with agricultural subsidies from the European Union. It is estimated that in Spain a total of 629 million euros ends up at bullfighting and cruel feasts with bulls. 130 million comes from agricultural subsidies from the European Union.
Support our campaign and sign the petition to end the cruel bull festivals in Spain!