Mexican campaign ‘Killing is Incredible’
20-12-2023CAS and AnimaNaturalis Mexico have launched a new campaign called Matar es increíble (Killing is Incredible). Through this campaign, we ask the Mexican insurance company GNP to stop promoting bullfighting in Spain and Mexico. We also address the Baillères family. They own GNP and have been supporting the bullfighting industry for a long time.

Mexican campaign ‘Killing is Incredible’ | Picture: AnimaNaturalis Mexico
GNP not only promotes bullfighting, the company also finances them. The insurance company calls itself a company that stands for social responsibility. Regularly, GNP announces all that it does to benefit Mexican society, and it does so with the slogan “¡Vivir es increíble!” (Living is incredible!). But clearly this does not apply to the bulls used in bullfights. The slogan served as inspiration for the name of our campaign, making clear the hypocrisy and double standards of GNP.
Killing is Incredible!
Because the Baillères family – through GNP – is the largest sponsor of bullfighting in Mexico. Through their family businesses, they manage the main bullfighting arenas in the country. In addition, they own four breeding farms of fighting bulls.
In Spain, the Baillères family is a member of Fundación Toro de Lidia – the Spanish foundation that represents the interests of the bullfighting industry. In this country too, this family manages bullfighting bullrings: nine in total. Six of them they manage together with another powerful family called Chopera. And also in Spain they have a breeding farm for fighting bulls.
Last October, we protested in front of GNP’s office in Mexico City. The company had shortly before financed the killing of 97 bulls within 15 days in the city of Aguascalientes. During our protest we made clear what a socially responsible company does and does not do. A company with social responsibility spreads values such as empathy, compassion and respect towards all life. It is a company that distances itself from any form of violence. And therefore not a company that promotes and funds the torture and killing of animals for entertainment.
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