Interview about International Anti-Bullfighting Network
25-01-2024At the end of November, we were in Spain due to our international summit against bullfighting. We were then interviewed by the Spanish information channel Animales con Derechos (Animals with Rights) about the International Against-Bullfighting Network and our annual summit.
CAS and the Portuguese organization ANIMAL were interviewed as (co)founders of the network. Among other things, we discussed why the network was founded and how it is used in the fight against bullfighting.
Our director Maite van Gerwen spoke about the fact that CAS filed a complaint with the European Commission about Spanish regulations that consider the killing of bulls in the bullring, at bull festivals and at bullfighting schools as emergency slaughter. And our campaigner Estefania Pampin Zuidmeer discussed the declining number of bullfights in all bullfighting countries. She also talked about the latest surveys showing that the majority of the population in bullfighting countries is against bullfighting.
Animales con Derechos also interviewed several colleagues from bullfighting countries about their fight. These interviews can be seen after our interview with Animales con Derechos – which the item begins with. The interview is in Spanish but under settings – at the bottom right of the video window – you can have it subtitled in the language of your choice. Watch the interview here.
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