In-depth study of cruel feasts with bulls in Spain
© AnimaNaturalis/CAS International
Since the autumn of 2019, CAS International and AnimaNaturalis have been conducting an in-depth study of the cruel feasts with bulls in Spain. This is the largest study ever done of animal events in this European country. A huge undertaking, because Spain has more than 18,000 bull festivals per year. With the results of this study, we will gain insight into how much money each municipality receives per event.
We want to end the cruel feasts with bulls. One of the ways to achieve this is to stop the subsidies. First, we need to know exactly where every euro comes from and where it goes. In Spain there is no national register with information about the bull festivals – data on subsidies, the type of event and the location. This means that we have to find out for each municipality which types of events there are, and which subsidies they receive. We know that the bullfighting sector receives millions of euros in subsidies every year at municipal, regional and national levels. But how exactly do these cash flows go? And how much money is it in total? Questions that we want to answer through our study.
Update study
We have been carrying the study now for a year and during that time we approached many municipalities who provided us with information – they are obliged to do so under Spanish law. But our investigation has not yet been completed. Through this website you can see how our research is progressing: below you will find a map of Spain with the investigated municipalities highlighted.
Fire bulls
There are about 18,000 feasts with bulls in Spain. They are violent and cruel. The bulls are tied up, tied to ropes, forced to run or jump into the sea, their horns set on fire. The animals fall, get fractures and sometimes they don’t even survive the feasts. One of the most cruel forms of bull feasts is the “fire bull” where balls soaked in a combustible substance are attached to the bull’s horns. The organizers then set fire to the flammable balls on the horns, causing the bull to run in despair. Sometimes it takes more than an hour for the fire to go out. This is extremely stressful for the bulls. And they often get burns. For example, bull Polvorín got blind in one eye – he can be adopted through CAS International. It is estimated that municipalities use about 2,500 bulls per year for the fire bull feasts. We regularly film these type of events together with AnimaNaturalis, and document what exactly happens. We file a charge in case of irregularities.
The organizers of the bull festivals endanger the lives of the bulls. Having fun at the expense of the bulls puts their life at risk. Deaths from brutal blows, heart attacks and eye burns take place regularly. In addition to carrying physical and psychological injuries, a large number of these animals are sent directly to the slaughterhouse on that same night. These are the consequences of this cruel celebration:
- Risk of death
- Breaks and injuries
- Burns
- Psychological suffering
Our research, the largest ever conducted in Spain, is of great importance in putting an end to these cruel feasts with bulls. But we can only gather all this information with your help. Help us so we can continue our impactful investigation! Become a sponsor or make a donation.