Escaped bull beaten to death in Spain
11-08-2021CAS International and AnimaNaturalis are reporting the beating to death of the Campanito bull in the municipality of Brihuega (Guadalajara). The animal escaped during an event after which he wandered through the streets. Afterwards, the bull was run over by a car and beaten to death by bystanders.
In the night of Sunday 8 August, an event with bulls took place in Brihuega. One of the bulls present, called Campanito, escaped from the bullring and wandered through the streets of Brihuega. Participants in the cruel event then chased the frightened bull. This happened on foot but also with cars. At one point, Campanito was deliberately run over from behind at high speed. After this, the bull was surrounded by several cars. According to eye witnesses, the bull was then beaten to death. The police is investigating, but no one has been arrested yet. CAS and AnimaNaturalis are reporting animal abuse and are preparing to take the case to court and also to the state government of Castilla-La Mancha. For this, the perpetrators can get a prison sentence of 6 to 18 months. Click here to see the images of the event and the moment when Campanito was run over (please note, these are shocking images).
Unfortunately, such abuses occur every year during events with bulls, where animals are killed in horrible ways. We want the perpetrators to be punished as they deserve. Campanito did what we all would have done in his place: escape the humiliation and violence.
We are also going to press charges against the failure to follow the safety rules of the bullring where the event took place. By doing so, the organisers have endangered people’s safety.
In Spain, more than 18,000 cruel bull festivals take place each year. CAS International and AnimaNaturalis are currently conducting the largest investigation ever into the abuses that take place at various bull festivals in Spain. Both organisations want to bring this animal suffering to light, not only in Spain, but also abroad. The majority of Spaniards are against these events with bulls that are considered controversial. Read the results of our research in the following states, where our research has been completed: Catalonia, La Rioja and Valencia.
In the coming months, we will publish new results from our research. This is of great importance to be able to put an end to bullfighting and cruel feasts with bulls. But we can only gather all this information with your help. Therefore, we ask you to help us with a donation, so we can complete our research. Become a sponsor or make a donation.