CAS will also protect galgos
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From CAS we have very special news to share with you! We are going to expand our field of activity. Our director Marius Kolff explains exactly what this expansion means:
A few years ago, I expressed my wish within the board of CAS to expand the focus of our organization to other cultural events in which animals are abused. This wish was discussed in detail, but turned out to be too early to shape our organization. The idea was already in our statutes. Now there is an opportunity that we as CAS would like to focus on. It is about the abuse of the Spanish galgo (greyhound). These mild, intelligent animals are heavily abused before and during a traditional form of hunting, whereafter they are discarded, abandoned or hung from trees. It is estimated that around 50,000 galgos are abused every year. Hunting is considered a traditional practice in Spain, and is related to local and national championships. These championships can be seen as cultural events. There are already many organizations in and outside Spain that are active in rescuing and relocating the dogs. However, few organizations aim to end these abuses by addressing the root cause. This is where CAS will work with AnimaNaturalis. By researching the scale, bringing these abuses to the attention of the press, the general public and therefore also politics, we hope – as we do with bullfights – to end the abuse and the atrocities of the traditional hunting with galgo’s. You may maybe think, “why not focus on hunting in general too?” We are afraid that is still a bridge too far. Too big a case that we cannot handle. We do think that showing these atrocities and influencing the public opinion, hunting will become more animal-friendly – if this is even possible. In this way we work step by step towards a better world. For the bulls and now also for the beautiful, intelligent galgos. The bulls continue to keep our attention and CAS will go on fighting against the atrocities that are done to bulls, horses and cows during the bullfights or the local fiëstas, so this will not change.
Marius Kolff
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