CAS protests against bullfighting in Seville
© CAS International
This year, CAS International, together with AnimaNaturalis, protested against the bullfights that take place during the Seville April Fair (Feria de Abril) held in the Andalusian capital of Seville, Spain. Estefanía Pampín Zuidmeer, employee projects & publicity, represented CAS during this protest.
Facing the bullring La Maestranza, CAS and AnimaNaturalis held an impressive action. The activists broke open banderillas from which red dust rose and formed a red cloud. The red cloud symbolized the blood that will flow into the arena during the April Fair of Seville. Andalusia is still the state in Spain where bullfighting is most strongly present.
Estefanía also visited our adopted animal Polvorín, who is staying in La Candela in Andalusia. Polvorín is a fighting bull with a fierce past. In November 2015, Polvorín was terribly maltreated on the main square of Medinaceli (Soria, Spain). Following the customs of this ancient tradition, Polvorín was tied to a pole. After this, two balls drenched in terpentine and sulfur were bound to his horns. Then those balls were put on fire.
Polvorín is now doing well. He suffered a trauma and he got blind in one eye by the fire. But thanks to the warm care of his volunteers, he got over his trauma and now enjoys a quiet life in the sanctuary. You can support Polvorín by adopting him.
By adopting Polvorín you can contribute to a better life for him. At the same time you support our work to put an end to bullfighting. Read the terms and conditions to adopt Polvorín.
Adopt Polvorín!