• Active against bullfighting for 30 years
  • Active in all bullfighting countries
  • We depend 100% on donations
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Home / CAS at biggest Holiday Fair of the Netherlands

CAS at biggest Holiday Fair of the Netherlands


CAS at biggest Holiday Fair of the Netherlands
CAS International was at the biggest Holiday Fair of the Netherlands, the Vakantiebeurs, to inform people about bullfighting. The fair took place between 9 and 14 of January. Around 105,000 people visited de Vakantiebeurs. A great opportunity for CAS to inform as many visitors as possible.

Many tourists from the Netherlands still go to bullfights. Mostly they are lured to the bullring with a lie: they are promised that no harm is done to the animals, and that the bullfight is an artistic expression. After the ticket is bought, and the bullfight starts, the tourists are confronted with the torture and killing of the bulls. For tourists this is a very unpleasant experience. In addition, they contribute to the bullfighting sector because they bought a ticket.

During the Vakantiebeurs we informed a lot of people about bullfighting and cruel (patronal) feasts where animals are tortured. We received many positive reactions from the public.

As a tourist, you can also help us in our fight to end bullfighting. A few tips:

•    Never go to a bullfight or a cruel patronal event, not even once. If you go to these events, your money and presence support the bullfighting industry. Ask other people to follow your example
•    Do not buy any bullfighting souvenirs
•    Let shop keepers know (in a polite manner) why you don’t want to buy bullfighting souvenirs. You can use our Spanish, French or Portuguese letter.
•    Do not eat or drink in bars and restaurants that promote bullfighting.
•    Send polite letters to media and (travel) organizations that promote bull suffering. Please inform us about it.
•    Ask the host of your travel organization not to promote bullfighting. If he/she indeed promotes bullfighting, please contact us, so we can address the issue ourselves.
•    Please check our website on a regular basis, for protest campaigns and the latest news.