Bullfighting in France no longer Cultural Patrimony
25-06-2015A French court indicated that bullfighting should no longer be considered Immaterial Cultural Patrimony of France. Back in April 2011, ex-matador André Viard announced through a press release that bullfighting would be added to the list of French Cultural Heritage. This decision was made by a committee of the Ministry of Culture and was not further discussed in the parliament.
According to the court this decision to include bullfighting on the list of National Cultural Heritage of France is hereby revoked. This is very good news! The situation in France is paradoxical in nature given the fact that bullfighting is prohibited by law, being thus illegal and punishable, except in 11 Departments in the south of France. An exception is made for places where bullfighting is known to have an unbroken tradition. After André Viard announced that bullfighting would be declared as national cultural heritage there was a wave of indignation in France.
Marius Kolff, director of CAS International, has lobbied together with the organizations CRAC (France) and La Tortura No Es Cultura (Spain) at the French Ministry of Culture. Two MPs were also present, Ms Muriel Marland-Militello and Mr Gerard Bapt, who expressed their outrage to representatives of the Minister. Moreover, CAS International protested in Paris against the declaration of bullfighting in France.
We are absolutely delighted with this news, but bullfighting still continues to exist in France: our struggle continues.