• Active against bullfighting for 30 years
  • Active in all bullfighting countries
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Home / 11th International Summit against Bullfighting

11th International Summit against Bullfighting


11th International Summit against Bullfighting

In November the International Network against Bullfighting held a yearly conference against bullfighting, and this time in the most important bullfighting country in the world: Spain. The summit was a success this year. Many organizations of the International Network against Bullfighting travelled to Madrid to attend the summit.

We can not tell anything about the matters we discussed, since we do not want our plans to be accessible for the bullfighting sector. But we can say that we came back from Spain with a lot of new energy and many new plans.

The organization of the summit is partly a responsability of CAS International, shared with other organizations. We are also one of the sponsors. Furthermore, CAS International annually gives a presentation about the most important events and developments, and a presentation about the most important events since the foundation of the Network, 10 years ago.

Representatives of the International Network against Bullfighting, among them CAS International, had a meeting with Members of Parliament of APDDA in the Spanish Congress. APDDA is an association where Members of Parliament work for the improvement of animal rights and animal welfare. The Network and APDDA can empower each other in their battle in favor of the animals. Especially in a country like Spain, where the struggle against bullfighting continues. Many successes are achieved here, but the Spanish government uses all instruments available to force bullfighting into regions where the government and the people don’t want it. We continue with our fight, we have the public opinion on our site, and many representatives of municipalities, state governments and in the Spanish Parliament.

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